

This is what my sis, Maze, specifically inspired me to do. My biggest problem is finishing things... and that includes this list.

Nerdy Pleasures
1. Go to a comic convention
2. DM a game
3. Participate in an online Secret Santa
4. Create at least 20 No Pran Bee comics
5. Update character sheets
6. Write a fan letter
7. Complete 3 jigsaw puzzles with mom
8. Get font made at
9. Design and name a (nerdy) cocktail

Taking Care of Myself
10. Get a professional massage
11. Get my own place
12. Give my room a thorough cleaning
13. Practice yoga at least twice a week for a month
14. Take a dance class
15. Create blog and start Day Zero Challenge
16. Update this blog at least weekly
17. Get a "big girl" job
18. See 3 concerts, 1 of which MUST be Thousand Foot Krutch
19. Go to gym with boyfriend at least once a week for a month
20. Read 10 books of my choosing
21. Read 10 books suggested by friends
22. Go to bed before midnight every day for a week
23. Wake up before 10 every day for a week
24. Go to bed before midnight and wake up before 9 every day for a week
25. Re-institute "library time"
26. Write a letter to myself to open at the end of 1001 days

Food Fun
27. Make 25 new recipes from cookbook
28. Cook dinner for vegetarian roomie and eat it with her
29. Cook a nice dinner for my parents
30. Go a day without sweets
31. Go a week without caffeine
32. Eat at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant

Expanding the Comfort Zone
33. Answer the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind
34. Take the 5000 Question Survey
35. Complete NaNoWriMo
36. Apply to law school
37. Learn to drive a stick
38. Renew CPR Certification
39. Get Orion tattoo
40. Try out for a theatrical performance
41. Finish writing song and attempt to perform it
42. Learn to practice Reflexology effectively
43. List something on Etsy
44. Make homemade lip gloss
45. Leave 10 operation beautiful notes
46. Get on a roller coaster (bonus points for not puking)
47. Apply to at least 2 jobs that I don't think I'll get
48. No swearing for a week
49. Send a secret to Postsecret
50. Post a differing opinion in a calm manner on a blog post
51. Learn to change a tire
52. Learn to carve/whittle

Living with Others
53. Donate old clothes
54. Pay back loans from friends
55. Call parents once a week
56. Spend a day with boyfriend without electronics
57. Compliment my brothers on something
58. Give my mom 5 complete Reflexology massages
59. Write handwritten Thank-Yous to each teacher who has positively affected me
60. Listen to 12 new albums selected by friends
61. Knit something for charity
62. Make 3 new friends
63. Learn Italian to a conversational level
64. Learn Mandarin to an elementary level

Living with Myself
65. Attend a professional dramatic production
66. Wreck This Journal
67. Update Sunday Drivers at least weekly
68. Get a dog
69. Finish this list
70. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
61. Get a New Year's Midnight kiss
72. Graduate
73. Buy 3 albums that I've been eyeing instead of waiting for the songs to play on Pandora

Stuff I Added After Starting