
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day Zero: For Real This Time

Well, today is the day I start. March 12, 2011. In 1001 days, I'm going to have completed 101 goals... or have tried really really hard to.

The truth is, I've been making the list for a while. I'd put it down because another project was coming due, or I didn't have the whole list finished, or a million other reasons. I'd keep telling Maze that I was going to work more on the list this weekend, it would be up soon, I swear. MONTHS passed. Months that I could have spent doing something more meaningful with my life. So, today, in a moment of existentialism... I decided to screw my excuses. I'm going to finish this list by December 8, 2013.

So, strap in, it's going to be an interesting ride... I've started something, and, this time, I intend to finish it.

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